Department of Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law - Research projects

Research projects

1. Barnabás Lenkovics: Ember és tulajdon [Human and property], monograph. The book was published by the Dialog Campus Publisher in 2013. The work was supported by the TÁMOP 4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0010 with one million Hungarian Forint, cca. 3300 Euro.

2. Ádám Menyhárt: A tévedés a szerződések körében [The errors in the scope of contracts], monograph. The book was published by the Universitas-Győr Nonprofit Ltd. in 2013. The making of the work was supported by the TÁMOP 4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0010.

3. “The teaching of civil law - with special regard to the Fundamental Law and the new Civil Code” - scientific conference in  joint cooperaton with the Magánjogot Oktatók Egyesülete (Civil Law Professor’s Association) and the Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Science. The conference was held from 14-15 June, 2013. It was supported by the Civil Law Professor’s Association with four thousand Hungarian Forint, cca. 1300 Euro. Many well-known civil law professors of the country took part on the conference in which the aim was to establish a common thinking that could ensure henceforward the high quality of teaching of civil law amongst the serious changes in the legal system. So the participants took special consideration on the Fundamental Law and the new Civil Code, which has entered into force since then.

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